The largest on-demand library of classical music.’s library features over 2,000 programs, including: concerts and archived historical concerts, operas, ballets, documentaries, artist portraits and educational programs, master classes.
Is a full-text database of scientific articles. It contains scientific journals in the fields of the humanities, social sciences, medicine, health care, etc.
Comprises full-text scientific journals in business, management, marketing, information and communication sciences.
Music and Dance Online (ProQuest)
11 million streaming audio tracks; 1.3 million printable pages of the most important scores of classical music; more than 3,600 streaming video performances, documentaries, masterclasses, interviews, and instructional films; 450,000 pages of reference and periodicals, covering
classical music and etc.
Digital Theatre +
Full length British theatre productions, interviews with cast and crew, and documentaries about the production. Includes productions from Shakespeare to contemporary plays, with teaching guides. This database also include, opera, musical theatre, dance/ballet, symphonic and chamber music, as well as theatre from Russia and 20+ from South Asia, and film shorts.
Drama Online
Drama Online is a fast-growing study resource which now features over 4,400 playtexts from over 1,700 playwrights, nearly 450 audio plays, more than 770 hours of video, and over 550 scholarly books from leading theatre publishers and companies, offering a complete multimedia experience of theatre.
Is a virtual music library that provides access to recordings of classical, jazz, world and other styles of music produced by more than 650 recording companies.
Is a scientific information platform for universities, allowing access to over 2000 archival and contemporary academic journals and books.
Is the definitive research tool for theatre and dance studies. Subjects include: ballet, cinema, comedy, dance, drama, film, mime, opera, puppetry, theatre and many more.
The package covers all areas of study, from the stage to behind-the-scenes, and provides the tools and content faculty and students need to discover, teach, and interpret all aspects of performance.
RILM Music Encyclopedias
RILM Music Encyclopedias is a continually expanding curated full-text collection that currently comprises 60 titles published from 1775 to the present. Its content spans various fields and subject areas of historical musicology, ethnomusicology and theory, with focus on topics ranging from popular music, opera, instruments, blues and gospel, to recorded music and women composers.
Is a major database boasting unrivalled influence on music research and contains a comprehensive and constantly updated collection of encyclopaedic and full-text articles.
Is a full text resource for researchers of film and television. Subjects include: cinematography, film and television theory, preservation and restoration, production, reviews, technical aspects, screenwriting.
Is a database of full-text scientific journals in a variety of disciplines. It comprises over 1320 journals on the topics of social sciences, humanities and physical sciences.
Bloomsbury video library
With an international range of content across the visual arts and performing arts, film, history, and more, this collection features exclusive indie films and shorts, avant-garde performances, interviews with renowned writers, artists, choreographers, performers and practitioners, documentaries on an international range of themes, traditions, and historical figures, and much more.
MGG online
Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG) is a general encyclopedia of music. MGG is encyclopedic in the true sense of that term: it offers in-depth articles on every aspect of music as well as many related areas such as literature, philosophy, and visual arts. MGG Online contains the second print edition of MGG, published from 1994 to 2008, as well as current, continuous online updates and additions.